HEAT rounds have same AOE modifiers, but keep bonus damage (160) and penetration Max range from 80 to 100 (barrage range unchanged) It will hopefully force players to flank as well, since penetration is not high at long range. #This change aims to give the USF a means of fighting tanks in close quarters. The 60 range of the recon run just makes the player look away from the front line. Major Arty and Decoy arty range set to 120 from 85 Recon Run range increased from 60 to 500 #I think minimum range of AT nades was included just to cause frustration #Better account for the increase in field presence that accompanies teching for USF

#This aims to extend the middle game and reduce the prevalence of the call in meta Hopefully keeps medium vehicles relevant. Comments and feed back more than welcome.

To this end, I have changed some things that arguably could’ve been balanced in order to make them more fun to use/play against (i.e. This mod has several objectives, but by far, the biggest goal is to make the game more fun.