Black and white 2 graphics mod
Black and white 2 graphics mod

black and white 2 graphics mod black and white 2 graphics mod

My claim that the substance isn't there still stands. I'm not ignorant to the competitive Pokemon scene and I've played competitive level matches. I think that the Pokemon world is beautiful and I love all of the ones they've come up with, but I feel like Gamefreak and Nintendo are wasting a goldmine of opportunity and potential development by leaving the game franchise at essentially the same game it was on Gameboy. The challenge is completely absent and there are much better competitive strategy games out there with a ton more substance to offer. For someone who has played other games and enjoys an engaging gaming experience, though, the Pokemon games are, to put it plainly, boring. It was cute and fun playing a boring game for the love of Pokemon when I was 12 years old, but if they want to hold on to any of their original audience they're really going to have to make some improvements in terms of giving the player some credit for their intelligence.Įdit: So what's with the downvote brigade? Anybody able to make a reasoned response? I consider myself a huge Pokemon fan, I've owned one or more games from every Generation so far and Pokemon has stuck with me through childhood.

black and white 2 graphics mod

Nintendo are really dropping the ball with the Pokemon franchise by taking for granted the amount of non-fun that people will deal with in their games. Submission Filter Image Only Image Only No Image No Image Media Only Media Only No Media No Media Discussion Only Discussion Only No Discussion No Discussion Info Only Info Only No Info No Info Art Only Art Only No Art No Art Crafts Only Crafts Only No Crafts No Crafts Memes Only Memes Only No Memes No Memes Venting Venting No Venting No Venting No Art & No Venting No Art & No Venting No Memes & No Venting No Memes & No Venting Clear Filter Clear Filter Event Calendar Monday at 9:00 UTC to Wednesday at 9:00 UTC only.Friday at 17:00 UTC to Monday at 9:00 UTC.Thank you to /u/infinitycore for our Snoolax logo, to /u/DrBlagueur for optimizing our BDSP header, and to the Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project for the Galar Pokémon box icon sprites used on this subreddit! Monthly Code Giveaway Megathread! Submit Content r/Pokemon Discord Light Theme Dark Theme Rebuild Tuesday/PotW: Clefairy (Doubles)! R/pokemon is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit-TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it!

Black and white 2 graphics mod